BF Hook Fields Functions

Hook Fields Functions

The Hook Fields “Display Form Elements on the Single View” section has the following options:

Add Form Elements as Table

You must activate the option "Integrate this Form" that allows you to display a table with the values of the field when viewing the entry. When disabled, the table is no longer displayed.

This option will not work if you have a Template page selected.

Template Page

Go to the "Template" section that is added to BuddyForms when activating the plugin.

The template must be created the way you want it.

When viewing the entry, the information in the fields must be displayed with the template that was selected.

Hide the title

When activating the "Hide the title" option, the post title must be hidden. And deactivating it should show it again.

The result in the frontend when the title is disabled is shown in the following image.

The result in the frontend when the title is activated is shown in the following image.

The Hook Fields "Hook" section has the following options:

Add hook name
It is allowed to customize where you want to show the field, other than in the positions shown in "Display where".

The result in the frontend is shown in the following image.

Display the label

This option allows you to activate and deactivate the field label, so that it is displayed or not. Depending on what the user wants.

The result in the frontend is shown in the following image.

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