Attach WordPress Post with BuddyPress Group

With the extension, you can attach a post with a group. The group is created automatically if a post is created. To enable the feature you need to activate it in the form builder.

Post status will effect group privacy options:
draft = hidden
publish = public

Attach with Group
Create a group for each post of this form.

Minimum User Role
Select the minimum group role a user needs to edit the post

Redirect to Group
Checking this option will redirect the post to the group.

Display Post
You can define if you like to create a new tab or display the data above the activity 

If you want to add the post to the home tab, you need to copy the single-post.php from 'includes/templates/buddyforms/groups/single-post.php' to your theme and rename it to front.php 'groups/single/front.php'. If you want to change the new tab template, copy single-post.php to your theme 'buddyforms/groups/single-post.php'

Please watch the video to understand the options in detail.

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