MailPoet Introduction

What is MailPoet?

It is an email plugin for WordPress, it allows you to quickly add content and images directly from your media library. There's no need to upload files to third-party services when you're all set, ready to go in your WordPress dashboard.

What is MailPoet with BuddyForms?

It is a combination that allows MailPoet techniques to be used in conjunction with BuddyForms forms and for users to register in lists more easily.

MailPoet Elements


In the "Emails" option, the creation of a Newsletter and mailings are automatically allowed to welcome, send notifications and product information. When entering the "Emails" option, 4 list options are mainly shown according to the content created, these are:

  • Newsletter
  • Welcome Emails
  • Post Notifications
  • WooCommerce

Clicking on the "Add New" button shows the different options (written above) that we can use according to the needs of our website. Similarly, once created, it can be modified and even deleted.


In the "Forms" option, the creation of a MailPoet form is allowed. When entering the "Forms" option, the list of all the forms created is mainly shown, with their respective options that allow modifying, duplicating and deleting.

Clicking on the "Add New" button shows the form creation interface where we can add new fields, either the default or custom ones, and this form must also be added to a MailPoet list.


In the option "Subscribers" it is allowed to add a new subscriber to the list. When entering the "Subscribers" option, the list of all added subscribers is mainly displayed, with their respective options that allow you to modify and forward the confirmation email, and you can also change the status of its different options, which are:

  • Subscribed
  • Unconfirmed
  • Unsubscribed
  • Inactive
  • Bounced

It is also allowed to move multiple subscribers to a list or remove them from a list.

Clicking on the "Add New" button displays the form to add a new subscriber, just fill in all the fields and save.


In the "Lists" option it is allowed to add a new MailPoet list. When entering the “Lists” option, mainly all the added lists are shown, with their respective options that allow modifying, duplicating, viewing the subscribers that belong to the list and delete.

Clicking on the "Add New" button shows the form to add a new list, just fill in all the fields and save.

How to add MailPoet to a BuddyForms form?

You must create a form of any type in BuddyForms and add the MailPoet field. In the "General" option of the field, the options should be shown:

Label: It is the label with which the MailPoet field will be recognized.

Description: A description can be added to the field so that users have better information when filling it.

Select the lists available in the interface: In this option of the field, you must select the lists that you want to be shown in the interface of the form for the user to subscribe.

The option for multiple selections: By checking this option a user can subscribe to several lists at the same time. It should be noted that if the Checkbox option is checked, the Multiple options cannot be checked.

Use the checkbox instead of selecting: Selecting this checkbox makes the list options a checkbox for marking. In this way, the user can only subscribe to a list.

Hidden: By checking this option the field must be hidden in the frontend.

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