Create a Social Marketplace with WooCommerce and BuddyPress
List of Plugins we use in this Tutorial
General Setup:
- BuddyPress social network plugin used for the vendors and customers' profile/ my account pages (free)
- WooCommerce eCommerce platform for online shops of any kind (free)
- BuddyForms professional fronted product management for any product type (pro needed)
- BuddyForms Members BuddyPress profile integration of the product management (free and pro available)
- BuddyForms WooCommerce Form Elements all WooCommerce fields as form elements to create individual product forms (free)
Vendors: If you plan to pay commissions to your vendors you will need a WooCommerce Vendors plugin. Once installed, you will be able to pay commissions to your vendors.
- WC Vendors vendors plugin to manage your vendors and pay commissions. (free and pro available)
- BP WC Vendors Integrate the vendor dashboard into the BuddyPress member profile. (free and pro available)
- WooCommerce BuddyPress Integration integrates the WooCommerce "My Account" pages into BuddyPress. (free and pro available)
If you want to build an Auction site you should consider
- WooCommerce Simple Auction (pro only)
- BuddyForms WooCommerce Simple Auction add all simple auction form elements to the BuddyForms Form Builder (free)
! BuddyForms Professional is required for this tutorial. All the other Plugins can be used in there free versions.
Installation Process of all Dependencies.
Manual Installation:
- Install all plugins from the list below deepened to your needs.
All in on installer
- BP WC Vendors - Your Premium Marketplace. Bundled and supported in one plugin. The BP WC Vendors plugin will guide you through the marketplace installation and list all dependencies to install them all in once.
Setup All
WooCommerce Setup
If you do not already have set up your WooCommerce store this is the first step to begin with. Please follow the instruction
The same for BuddyPress. Please follow the instructions.
For this tutorial we only need the BuddyPress Extended Profiles component activated.
WC Vendors Setup The WC Vendors' installation and setup instructions can be found here:
BuddyForms: BuddyForms is the only plugin required in the professional version. You can get the professional version from your BuddyForm free settings page or here. You can find help installing and setup instructions in the knowledgeable:
Important: First after you have activated WooCommerce, BuddyForms Professional, and the BuddyForms WooCommerce Form Elements extension the options for products and the product templates will be displayed and work. So make sure you have the professional version and all dependencies in place.
WooCommerce BuddyPress Integration
Create The BuddyPress Member Profiles
Integrate WooCommerce My Account Pages with BuddyPress and Sync the Data
Product Vendors
WooCommerce Subscription and Vendors