Send notification after registration to the user and admin

In this documentation, you'll learn how to send a notification to the user after completing the registration process, that way you and they know the process has been completed.

Step 1:

Create a Custom Post using BuddyForms.

To do that you need to hover your mouse over BuddyForms Tab and then click on add new.
There click on Custom Post, the first of the templates, and add a name for it like "BuddyForms Registration Form", for example.

Step 2:

Add the needed fields for your subscription, like user email, user name, password, and any other you need, clicking in the Select: Field Type deployable, select the fields, and then click on +Add Field.

Step 3:

After that, click on Permission and then click the Create account during submission checkbox, so you create a new account every time someone fills this form.

Remember to configure the User Register section as you need. (this section becomes available once you click the checkbox mentioned above.

Step 4:

Once you have that done, publish the form.

Go to the Notification page.
There click on Create New Mail Notification.

Step 5:

 Click on edit in the recent email notification created and configure as you need

From Name: Name of the sender.

From Email: Email of the sender

Send Mail to: Email of the recipient, make sure you click the submitter checkbox so your users get the notification as well as you.

Custom sent mail to: Other recipient you'll like to notify

Subject: What's the email about 

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