Basic usage

Basic usage

Before opening a form please make sure that session is activated. Library is using sessions for server side form validation.

PHP-Bootstrap-Form has support for 30 form elements: 

  1. Button
  2. Captcha
  3. Checkbox
  4. Checksort
  5. Color
  6. Country
  7. Date
  8. DateTimeLocal
  9. DateTime
  10. Email
  11. File
  12. Hidden
  13. HTML
  14. jQueryUIDate
  15. Month
  1. Number
  2. Password
  3. Phone
  4. Radio
  5. Range
  6. Search
  7. Select
  8. Sort
  9. State
  10. Textarea
  11. Textbox
  12. Time
  13. TinyMCE
  14. Url
  15. WeekYesNo.

Each of HTML5 elements will fallback to textboxes in the event that the HTML5 input type isn't supported in the user's web browser.

In the example below we will create a simple login form and then will explain how it work

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