Creating a Post Form
There are two ways to create a form using BuddyForms. The first is using some of the predefined templates within the plugin, which will automatically generate the fields that the form will contain. You can also add extra fields to the ones that the template brings by default.
You can access the templates from the welcome screen or by clicking "Add New", as it's shown in the following:
There are different templates for each type of form, Post, Contact or Registration.
Once you have selected the template, the form configuration view will be loaded in which you can give the form a name and review its settings.
Once you have verified the fields and configured the settings according to your needs, it only remains to click on "Publish" to create the form. By doing so you will be able to see that the links to view the form and submissions will be displayed in the sidebar on the right, as well as a list of available shortcodes.
The other way you can add a form within your website is by clicking on BuddyForms > Add New > Custom Form.
When you click on "Start Custom" the form configuration view will appear, with the difference that this time there will be no predefined field in it, you must add the fields you need by selecting them and clicking on "+Add Field". Then you can select the form settings and publish it so that it is ready to be used within your pages.