Translate BuddyForms into your Language

You can use BuddyForms with any language. It's translation ready. Best place to find translation and help translate the plugin is on 
You can find all translations here: It's the best place to find translations or help for translating the plugin into your language. 

To use is the most solid and comfortable way to translate any WordPress plugin. New translations will become automatically available as updates and if you switch the language WordPress checks if the language is available and you get an update notice about the new translation in your wp admin. Your translation gets a free review from the WordPress community. Every new string gets reviewed and needs to be approved by the language editor.

Use the .pot file.
You can use the latest .pot file and use po edit or any other translation plugin and software to generate your translation.
The latest .pot can be found here:

Use the Plugin Loco Translate
With the plugin you can easily generate new translation files with one click and translate from with the wordpress admin. It's also great to make quick changes to existing translations. You can find the plugin on

Translate Form Labels with Polylang
We have created an extension for the plugin Polylang. There are other plugins offering similar functionality. We have picked polylang as example and use it in our projects with great result. Polylang offers a admin settings page to translate form element labels and description into any language to use in multi-language sites. You can find the plugin on GitHub

Other Plugins for Multi Lingual Sites
You can use any other multi lingual plugin. Please let us know if you know about a greta solution. WordPress translations are still a challenge for every site owner.

WP Multisite
If you use a multisite setup or use the multisite system for your translation you need to recreate the forms on the sub sites (translation sites)

Multilingual Press is great for bigger sites:
If you want to use a multisite setup with BuddyPress to enable the users to create posts for the different translation from the frontend you need the BuddyForms Multisite Network Extension

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